Next course:

Session one - Tuesday 13th June

Session two - Tuesday 20th June

Session three - Tuesday 27th June

9:45 at the Hope centre

Three, two, one…

Ever wondered what all the fuss about Jesus is about? Why not join us on our simple three week course looking at the story of GOD , THE WORLD and YOU.

Three, two, one seeks to answer some of our big questions: What was there at the beginning? Why is there so much wrong with the world? How can I know peace in life? Who is God? How can I know Him...?

If you’ve ever had questions like this three, two, one is for you! You don’t need to have any bible knowledge, you’re not going to be asked to speak, sing or read - just come along, watch a a short video presentation and ask all your questions! We can'‘t promise we will be able to answer all of them, but we will introduce you to a bigger view of reality.

Watch an introduction to the course:

Find the Hope Centre at 89 Turner Avenue South, HX2 8EF.

Just turn up on the night, or get in touch for more information