Christmas at Hope Church

Christmas can be busy and overwhelming, and maybe the last thing you want is something else added to your calendar. But at Hope church we have found that amongst the busyness of Christmas, Church brings us rest and focus. Church brings us to the real substance of Christmas - Jesus and His life!

We would love for you to join us this Christmas as we find life and help in Jesus!

Find out more about each of our events and services below:

Christmas Events

Saturday 9th December - Family craft morning, 10-12 at the Hope Centre

Join us for a fun morning making christmas crafts. You can paint a decoration to take home and put on your tree, or make a snowman cookie! Theres lots to do and it’s all free.

Sunday 17th December - Family Nativity, 4pm at Dean Field School

You child doesn’t need to know the Christmas story, or even have their own costume! Bring them along and watch as they get dressed up and join in the Nativity story. There will be Carols and a short talk from Pastor Doug.

Monday 25th December - Christmas Day Service - 10:30 at Dean Field School

Put the presents down for an hour and leave the turkey in the oven - come along for a short Christmas service all about God’s Christmas ‘presence’! Christmas is all about God joining us, bringing His life and light to the world! Take some time on Christmas Day to hear from Jesus, and recieve all that He wants for you this Christmas.

Sunday Worship

every sunday at dean field school

doors open 10am, service starts at 10:30

Join us throughout December for our special Advent series going through the Christmas carol ‘O come, o come Immanuel’ where we will be looking at some of the title given to Jesus. During the service we will be singing carols and reading through the Christmas story from the bible, there will also be a talk about Jesus.

Sunday 3rd December - Jesus: The christmas branch

At Christmas we may think of the decorated branches of our Christmas trees, but in the bible Jesus is also called a branch. He is the one who will bring life and joy to the world.

Sunday 10th December - Jesus: The Christmas Key

How do we ‘get in’ on real life? Jesus is the Key who opens up the universe to us! He is the door who lets people in to the life of heaven!

Sunday 17th December - Jesus: The Christmas Star

There are lots of stars around us at Christmas, in shop windows on the high street, on the tops of our trees, but why? We might have heard about the star the the 3 wise men followed to see the baby Jesus - but there is another star in the bible, a brighter and far more important one - Jesus! He is the star who brings light to the world and to our lives!

Monday 25th December - Jesus: Gods Christmas ‘presence’

Join us for our special Christmas Day service where we will see that Jesus is God with us. Jesus truly is the greatest gift you could recieve this Christmas!


The Hope Centre is next to Morrisons: 89 Turner Avenue South, HX2 8EF

Dean Field School is half way along cousin lane: HX2 8DQ