You can have the same hope and assurance as Peter does, all you need to do is trust Jesus. Jesus is the man full of life, the eternal Son of the Father, the living God, and he has made himself known. At Christmas we celebrate that Jesus came down from heaven and joined us, becoming human. Jesus joined us in all our muck and misery, not just to be sad with us, but to lift us up to enjoy his perfect life!

Jesus has taken on all of your pain and suffering, all of your sin and sorrow, and he’s dealt with it. Meaning that you can have peace with God! Peter was right when he said sin is our biggest problem. Denying God and going our own way has cut us of from the life of heaven. In this condition we are right to be afraid - there is no hope for us like this. We need to be brought back into the life of heaven - that is just what Jesus has done for us.

Jesus wants you to share his life, and know his peace. Don’t wait. There is life and help in Jesus!

What next?

If you want to know more about Jesus and how you can receive his life and help there are a few things you could do.

  • You can find out more about Jesus by reading the bible. Why not start with the gospel of John.

  • You could listen to some of the messages on this website here:

  • You can get yourself along to church. We meet at Dean Field School on Cousin Lane at 10:30 every Sunday morning. And we are having a special service at 10:30 on Christmas Day. Why don’t you pop along and see us - we would love nothing more than to tell you about Jesus!

The thing is - getting help from Jesus is actually very easy - all you have to do is ask! Pray to Jesus - just call out and ask for his help, and he will give it to you. Pray to the Lord of heaven to help you and save you, to take away your fear and give you peace - then get yourself along to church and learn how to live the life of heaven!